We Are Bioelectrical Beings
Earthing, or Grounding, Continues to Show Multiple Benefits for Family Wellness.
Are you familiar with earthing, also known as grounding?
The process of reconnecting the conductive human body to the Earth's natural surface-electric charge is know as Earthing or Grounding. This effortless activity influences the basic bioelectrical function of our body.
It’s important for us to restore our primordial electric connection to the Earth, one that’s been severely lost over time. Of course, this is due to our present human lifestyle.
Throughout human history our bioelectrical human body has been nourished by the natural “battery” of the Earth under our feet. Our modern lifestyle separates us from this primordial source.
As we find ourselves increasingly disconnected from God’s Creation, the tethering to man made vices rise. Staying disconnected puts our health in peril. Every cell in our bodies rely on electrical signals to function, all of them.
Can Our Body Benefit from Grounding?
Grounding is known to correct “electron deficiency syndrome,” a probable cause of multiple health disorders. When our bodies are not grounded, a buildup of positive ions can wreak havoc on our health.
Our body produces Vitamin D from the energy, the frequencies, generated from our sun all those miles away. Why would one think our own Earth would not provide energy and frequencies required for our bodies to function properly?
By Creations account, we were made from the elements of this Earth. What we see in our modern world is a cold, electronic existence that continues to deteriorate our health. Don’t fall for it.
Thermal images like those above, show a patient with pain of both knees. They were taken 30 minutes apart − before on the left, and after grounding on the right. Tissue damage generates heat as seen on the left, reduced to cool on the right.
I had a full body thermal imaging scan completed a couple of years ago. I was actually impressed when I received the results. I provided no history of my areas of concern, namely tennis elbow from too many mouse clicks over the years. To my surprise, the imaging picked up the exact area as “hotter” than the tissue surrounding it. While it is not a diagnostic tool, it serves a purpose in today’s care.
Earthing may improve sleep; ease anxiety, normalize cortisol, reduced inflammation, pain and stress, produce better blood flow, immune responses, wound healing, and prevention and treatment of chronic inflammatory and autoimmune diseases. We find benefits throughout the entire body, a few are listed here:
How Do We Ground?
Ideally, we should go outside, barefoot as much as possible, there is generally a reduction in stress from this activity alone. Walk, or sit in a chair with feet placed on the grass. It’s that simple.
Unfortunately, going outside is not an option for many. Convenience products have been developed for indoor Earthing. This option, even with the out of pocket expense, offers great benefit while sitting and sleeping. There is zero excuse. Ground while you work!
Grounding Well has an excellent price point for indoor options. We use their products, daily.
If interested, use my code “ GWNJ “ and save 10% off your order.
See what Grounding Well has to offer or contact me for any questions.
Wellness, Along the Way